Netbookings - Upgrades, Changes and Enhancements
Mar 21, 2017
One of the more obvious improvements we made in early March was to increase the speed at which the accommodation calendar displays. Now around 50% faster, businesses that use the Netbookings accommodation module are enjoying much quicker results. We have also increased the speed at which ‘guest search’ performs. Overall, staff now spend less time checking availability and making bookings.
Several enhancements have also been made to our backend reporting. Netbookings already has an enormous range of financial, marketing and system reports that allow businesses to access important information in an instant. Simple changes and additions make the range even more relevant. For instance, we have added report parameters to exports, eg. Dates, report type and other settings. We have also added filters to financial reports so businesses can see if sales are coming from a package or a standalone service.
Other Netbookings system changes include:
- Tour calendar filtering by Tour template has been added (only see the tours you want, great for bigger business that offer a large number of tours each day)
- Therapist calendar drag and drop to change therapist in our Spa Module (our spa businesses are thrilled with this one!)
- Better management of payments on an iPhone or iPad
- IP address tracking of payments
- Staff location tracking
- The date and time a report is produced has been added to all reports