Features explained

Sales Methods

Business web site

Sell 24x7 from your own web site. All bookings, vouchers and product sales are instantly confirmed online as netbookings is complete business management system.

Staff via phone or email

Staff can easily use Netbookings for all internal sales such as bookings, vouchers and products.

Staff over the counter

Over the counter sales are also supported by netbookings

facebook app

The Netbookings facebook App allows your fans to book online directly via facebook. Great feature for those who use facebook a lot.

Mobile web site

If you do not have a responsive or dedicated mobile web site, you can use the free Netbookings mobile web site connected to your site. In only a few minutes, you can have this fantastic free service provided by Netbookings.

Booking agents

Allow booking agents login to your Netbookings, set their commission rate, set whether they are on account or not. Help them promote your business and report on sales they generate.

Direct from their web site

Link their web site to your Netbookings, then let the Internet work for you and your agents automatically. Sales are tracked and reported over any date range.


Accommodation module users can benefit from channel management directly handled via the accommodation calendar. Read more about Accommodation Channel Management



Our friendly support staff are available normal business hours mon-fri with full after hrs emergency support also.


Email support is available 7 days a week.

User manual

Netbookings has a comprehensive user manual which is written in plain english without complex computer jargen.

Quick references

We also have a range of quick references on particalur areas that can be handy for staff training etc.

Local Support

Netbookings is proud to provide Australian support to all its clients.

Client communication

Automated email reminders and follow up

Email reminders can be setup in various ways such as: 30 days before arrival and 14 days before arrival and worded differently for payment reasons.

Another uniquely worded email reminder at 2 days before arrival can also be sent.

A follow up email can be sent automatically 2-3 days after the booking. This may have a call to action to give feedback via a web site such as Tripadvisor.

Automated reminders by SMS

Option to turn on sending SMS's to each client before they arrive.

Bulk letters

Print out all your client sign in forms for a day with a couple of clicks of a button.

Bulk SMS

Send an SMS to all your clients due to arrive today! This feature really suits tour operators that may be weather dependant or any business that is a little hard to find on the map.

eg. Send a weather update or how to find us.

Custom email letters

You can customise the content of your confirmation letters with any text, header and footer. You can also have as may different letters as you wish.

Email confirmations

All online sales are followed up by an email confirmation. This is a professional looking email and can be customised as per the custom email letters.


3rd party management and reporting

Measure the effectiveness of your partners, assign a value to each booking they refer and report over any date range on their sales.

Data export

The Netbookings database can be exported at any time.

Guest database

The Netbookings client database can be exported to e-newsletter systems or mail merged at any time.

Referrer tracking

All people making an online booking are asked "how did you find us". This information can be reported on to measure your marketing efforts.

Booking types

Some businesses market to different groups in different ways and you can measure these efforts also.


Netbookings offers over 100 different reports for your business.

Discounts & promotional codes

Run you own promotions with a special code to be entered online to receive a discount.

System features

Accounting systems integration

Netbookings can report on different income streams in your business with your accounting names and codes. This unique method has proven invaluable for our current clients and saves may hours in book keeping per year.

Audit log

Report on system changes, which staff member made those changes and when

For example: pricing and name updates of products.

Automated backup

Netbookings is backed up automatically to 3 separate locations each day.

Cash drawer management

POS module feature for managing starting and ending floats etc.

Channel management

Channel management allows positing of availability and prices on other web sites than your own.

More info on Netbookings channel management here

Credit card surcharges

netbookings can optionally be setup to add a % surcharge to each credit card type.

Questions per guest

Tour module specific feature to ask questions to all people who book online with pre determined responses such as:

Can you swim? No, 25M, 50M, 100+M

Daily Management Reports

For $1/day you can receive a detailed financial report of your business with daily, monthly and yearly figures to up to 5 email address to keep in touch with your figures.

Document management

Maintain your own booking confirmation attachments.

facebook posting

Tour module specific feature to post tours to you facebook wall when being scheduled or at any time you wish.

eg. "Only 2 spaces left on tomorrows trip, Book now"

Free setup

Give netbookings a try now as it is free to try.

Free updates

Netbookings releases advancements every month and sometimes even more often. You automatically receive the latest system each time you login.


Each online booking has an invoice automatically sent to the guest. Staff can also sends invoices for phone and email bookings, vouchers and product sales. Your logo, address and other contact details are on the invoice.


Create memberships and report on member usage.

Mobile compatibility

Netbookings is built with responsive technology which means it will adjust depending on the device beinbg used.


POS module specific feature. eg. Sizes of shirts

Multi business

Multi multi business owners are supported with a single or group login to manage all their ventures.

Multi level security

netbookings larger businesses with varying staff access requirements. Each level can have a different menu and therefore focus on the task at hand. This also helps to protect the business from any potential database pilfering by staff.

Multi night discount

Accommodation module specific feature to apply a % discount for multi might bookings.

Passenger manifest

Tour module specific feature to print out all guests for the tour/day also detailing any special requirements and/or payment status.

Pricing entities

Unique to Netbookings, this feature a flexible module specific way to implement different pricing types and quanities. Eg. Family (2A + 2C) or FOC.

Pricing for groups

Using the Pricing entities above group pricing can be setup for the Tour module.

Pricing variations for seasonality

The netbokings tariff system allow unlimited flexibility for varying your prices throughout the year for all modules.

Example set up for Accommodationthat runs 7 different price points.

Low Season Mid Week

Low Season Weekend

Mid Season Mid Week

Low Season Weekend

High Season Mid Week

Mid Season Weekend


Private calendar

Some businesses do not want all of their business booked online so netbookings can also have some resources that are only available for staff to book.


Tour module specific feature used to run a SCUBA Diving Shop or Sky Diving business.

Example SCUBA Diving Shop wherby the qualification must be met for a diver to book online.

OW - Open Water Diver

ADV - Advanced Open Water Diver

Deep - Deep Diver

Tech - Technical Diver

Questions per booking

Questions are a way to ask guests for information during the online booking process. For example, you could ask about dietary requirements or wheelchair access needs.

Reporting system

The netbookings reporting system is broken up into modules, marketing and finance with over 100 reports. If you need a report that is not available we can build it for you.

Staff can only see the reports that pertain to them and business owners can see all reports.

Report headings: Accommodation, Tours, Spa, POS, Gifts, Clients/Marketing, Memberships, Financial, Online and System

Resource management

Tour module specific feature to ensure no double booking of your resources.

Single night surcharges

Accommodation module specific feature to optionally add a % surcharge for single night bookings.

SMS confirmations

Receive and SMS confirmation for all online sales to your mobile phone. Great feature for owner operators on the go.

Staff assignment

Tour and Day Spa modules specific feature to assign staff to tours or treatments. Report on hours worked.

Staff calendars

Staff can login an update when the are available to work.

Staff qualifications

Day Spa module specifc feature to ensure staff are assigned to treatments they are qualified to perform.

Staff rostering

Day Spa module specific feature for spa managers to lock in staff rostering.

Stock take

POS module specific feature for stock take.

Tour pick up points

Tour module specific feature to allow different pick up points.

Tour scheduler

Powerful tour wizard for scheduling all your tours. Schedule a single trip or a weekly tour for a year with a couple of clicks.

Tour templates

The tour scheduler uses stored templates to make life easier.

Tourism ekit supplier

Since its inception netbookings has been a supplier to the Australian Tourim ekit.


Netbookings allows for words to changed, eg. Tours <> Dining or Vouchers <> Certificates

Turstile support

Large businesses that require an on-site count can have turnstile installed with full support by Netbookings.

Visual calendar

Both staff online use a visual calendar to see and make bookings. Humans find this way of interacting with computers miuch easier.

Weekly summary

Accommodation module specific feature to show everything that is happening over the next 7 days. Print it out for staff ue a a guide to know who is coming and what why they are staying and what the are doing while staying.


Tour module specific feature to link the tour calendar with your YouTube videos. Great sales insentive.

Payment types

Real-time Credit Card direct with bank

Connect netbookings directly to your bank account and see the funds from your online sales appear in your account instantly. This also means gift vouchers can be send immediately to purchasers.

Manual Credit card via EFTPOS machine

You can use your EFTPOS machine to process payments and then inform Netbookings that you have taken the payment.


Yes it is still legal tender and netbookings can track all your cash transactions.

Direct deposit

When a client pays via direct deposit you can enter this into Netbookings.

Gift voucher

Your clients can use their Gift vouchers as an account, they can partially redeem them and also use them to book online.

Agent account

Booking agents can be setup to pay by account and you can report on how much they owe you over any date range.

Booking agents


Agents can make bookings and receive commission of sales in two ways

1. Log in with a username and password

Setup agents in your system and place a link on your web site for them to login. Once logged in they can book online as per the public does. Agents can also see if they already have any bookings.

2. Link via their web site to your Netbookings

Great feature where there is no involved from either business except linking the agent web site to your netbookings online booking system. The agent bookings are all tracked and you and they can report on their sales using the Netbookings back end.


Report over any date range of sales generated by all or one agent.

Payment: Account, Credit Card

You are in control whether an agent is on account or not. If you agree for an agent to be on account then they can make online bookings without a credit card and you will be required to invoice them.

If you decide that an agent is not to be on account then they are required enter a credit card for each online sale and the business pays the agent their commission in line with your agreement with them.

Per agent commissions

Each agent is set up independently to allow maximum flexibility of agreements.

Start a free trial

No contracts, 7 day free trial

Netbookings works closely with tourism operators to engineer better solutions to business challenges where people are time poor and a thirst to getaway.

We integrate social media, smart phones and tablets so their online experience easily facilitates their 'real world' escape.

We offer the widest range of booking variations for an online system!

Check out our modules >