Oh The Complexity
Jun 30, 2022
So much of the world today has become simple in some ways with the aid of technology, but also complex. Things seem to demystify at a glance until it means someting to us and become friendly with it. Then it seems second nature.
You may also feel this way when looking at foreign parts of Netbookings - but with great complexity comes great advtantage.
Our wizard settings is one of these seemingly complicated aspects of Netbookings, but when understood becomes clear and very useful. Found in System>Setup>Settings and within the General Settings Tab.
In essence it allows for the booking and searching of packages to occur in certain ways. It provides mainly a way for time needed between services defined so that the system can put together a package that allows for these needed time gaps between services; whilst providing a maximum limit to how much time there is between services in a package.
It also allows for items in a package to be lined up one after the other in a 'continuous' setting or whether they can be mixed a matched for time when online or staff bookings are made. For instance, you want to organise a Guest booking of Bathing, Dining and Massage - the system can either put them all in a row as a package or it can put them together in any order.
The panel itself doesn't reveal so much but when you understand the use of it and apply the settings, it offers so much to multi-service business's with packaged online bookings.
Oh the complexity.