You Are Cancelled
Jun 7, 2022
Customers don't always make it easy for others to enjoy services - you could have a regular who is disagreeable and makes others feel uncomfortable. Wouldn’t it be good if staff could flag a Guest in Netbookings to help manage bookings or scheduled tours in the future? Perhaps we don’t want to ‘Cancel’ a Guest, but at least we can make notes to inform other staff of dodgy behaviour or block Guests who have violated terms of use.
Using Netbookings 'Guest Booking Restrictions' feature you can flag a Guest if needed and add alert notes for staff to see when they are being booked. It also allows for a Guest to be blocked from booking online, if they have treated property, staff or others poorly at your business in the past.
Additionally, you can set up SMS notifications when a particular guest books, in case you need to prepare for their arrival, such as specific requirements or important requests they have made.
See Help Files for more information on how to utilise 'Guest Booking Restrictions'.