Yongala Dive
This business is the closest the word class SCUBA diving site SS Yongala which sank in 1911 and is today a graveyard. They specialise in accommodation and dive packages, they have their own boat and provide food onboard.
They are also a diver training facility! When looking for an online booking system that was capable of running their day to day operations along with dive and stay packages they spent considerable time looking at the limited number of available options.

Once they found Netbookings they were pleasantly surpised to see that it catered for most of their requirements.
Some of their key features needed:
- Accommodation bookings for their hostel
- Dive boat bookings
- Custom questions to gather information about diver experience and any possible dietary requirments
- Ability to add extra services such as equioment hire
- Pickup points for the shuttle
- A Packaging system that could handle all of the above
- Reports
- Messaging
- Multi staff login
- WEB site integration
- Dive Log printout