Netbookings offers backpackers and youth hostels a customised solution to take online bookings and manage the business.

Dorms are a unique style of accommodation and require different business rules for a reservation software package.

Netbookings can be setup with unlimited rooms/dorms and each one can have their own maximum amount beds/people accomodated and even have different price points for each one.

This module can also be combined with our Accommodation module which then allows for the display of dorm style rooms and hotel style rooms in one screen to give staff a complete overview of the busuiness.

Many backpackers have double and/or queen rooms for couples and dorm style rooms for indivuduals.

Combine the Tours module and Gift vouchers and you have a complete activity management centre system.


Backpackers Calendar

Easily view and manage your hostel from the calendar screen. From this screen you can see bookings that have been made, make bookings or amend any booking details.

Backpackers calendar

Book Backpackers Online

Booking online is a simple matter of providing the number of guests, arrival date and departure. Netbookings will then present booking options

Book Backpackers Online

Check Arrival Status

The backpackers booking screen can be used to see an overview of all the bookings for day and/or you can also use it to set the arrival status of everyone arriving today.

Check Arrival Status

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Netbookings works closely with tourism operators to engineer better solutions to business challenges where people are time poor and a thirst to getaway.

We integrate social media, smart phones and tablets so their online experience easily facilitates their 'real world' escape.

We offer the widest range of booking variations for an online system!

Check out our modules >